New Perspectives

I have been drawn to fiber since I was introduced to sashiko stitching as a 4 year old in Japan. Our landlady was a grandma who’s grandchildren did not live close by so I was “adopted” by her and she became my inspiration from an early age. She has influenced the way I work. We would sit on the floor and surround ourselves with fabrics, threads, and tools. Today when I stitch, I still build a “nest” around me and the longer I work the deeper the nest. I no longer work on the floor, my chair is much more comfy! I find I do this in any medium I work in, I start with a clean space and then bring in all the materials I need and within a few minutes I am surrounded with all the good things that I can create with. It becomes a cocoon of sorts that I use to immerse myself in creation.

I work in two studios. One is at home in a dedicated area. Everything has a place and I love it when it organized so I can find everything but it is rarely very tidy. I also work out of the Thread Lab at Cottonwood Studio for the Arts in Colorado Springs. It is a short 8 minute drive from my house and the atmosphere there is soooo inspiring! We are surrounded by other artists in all mediums and the talent in the center is amazing. I have found that my stuff and even a machine or two has slowly been migrating  there and I am doing more and more work there.

My favorite color has to be red with indigo blue as a close second. I love the brightness of red and in any variations and I wear a lot of red. In Japan red is the color of celebration. You will  find it at weddings, births, and all major holidays. I love the way it pops with other colors, especially indigo.

I think the least favorite thing when working on a piece is just after I finish it and I have to go on to something else. It is almost like leaving a friend behind.

I have always had a love of the water and ocean. I am a scuba diver from way back. I was a freshman in high school when I was first certified. I feel like I am flying under water when diving. You are weightless and it seems there are no limits. I guess I would fly under water.

I am teaching Boro the art of Tattered Rags.I spent my growing up years in Japan from the time I was 3 until I graduated high school. My father taught me a love of all art forms in Japan. I love the old indigo pieces that show wear and tear and hold the history of all who wore or used the pieces. I am going to introduce you to Boro. It is the old form of repair in Northern Japan. The Japanese farmers in northern Japan were not wealthy and fabric was precious. Patching clothing with sashiko style stitching and any bit of fabric became the process to make their clothing last many times for generations. We won’t be patching our clothing but we will create a collage wall hanging to pay homage to this art form.

 ruth boro with bell wall hanging

Fiber Art Connection has an exciting Blog Hop with all the teachers as a way for you to  get to know us all better and to enter to win a wonderful basket of goodies that we have all contributed to. All you have to do is comment on the blog posts and it will enter you to win. The more you post the more chances you have to win!

I would love to hear what you think of the indigo color. Do you like it or not and why. Just click on the link and let me know what you think.

This is a wonderful new on-line art community that I hope will become a gathering place for new friends and a new perspective of our place in the creative community.

To sign up for the 10 weeks of classes you must sign up by March 15. Check out all the details and the full line up of classes by going to

I am looking forward to this adventure with you all.


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13 Responses to New Perspectives

  1. Laura says:

    Hi Ruth, There is no place to comment on the link you included in your post. I love the color indigo, always have. It’s richness sooths me and it can also be used as a “neutral” with so many other colors. I also love to handstitch patch over patch.

  2. Linda Ippel says:

    I like indigo, but it is not the first color I pick up from my palate. I look forward to being stretched beyond my initial instincts to reach for greens.

  3. Helen O'Hara says:

    I like the colour, especially in that bottom piece which looks kind of ripped like a pair of comfortable old jeans

  4. Candace Berry says:

    Thanks for the info on boro. Love your work and bio.

  5. I think your link went to FAQs (frequently asked questions) rather than FAC (fabric art connection).
    I am so excited to learn about sashiko. I love the look and texture it creates. I have a sashiko machine and have gotten very nice results on retro quilts. I think this class will open my eyes to other techniques. I am a HUGE fan of indigo. . . . After all I grew up in jeans. Jean jackets, skirts and shirts. And it goes with any other color but red is by far the most comfortable combination.

  6. Kathy Moore says:

    Indigo is just beautiful in my eyes. The color of skies and water. So peaceful.

  7. Pam says:

    I love the color indigo. It is so rich and reflects so much of nature. I’ve dyed some fabric with it, and I always use some of that fabric in art quilts.

  8. Rena Manning says:

    Love your piece. I just started with fabrics thanks to your amazing daughter in law. I love the color you used. It brings a sense of calm.

  9. Elizabeth Bennett says:

    I love indigo as a color and a dye. I just reactivated a vat that has been dormant over a year and got beautiful rich blues out of it!

  10. Meta says:

    My favorite Indigo is the naturally dyed color found in quilts before 1900. I have some indigo in my wool dying supplies, but have yet to use it. Perhaps you will inspire me. I love your needlework combined with patches.

  11. Linda J says:

    Really like the indigo color. Do not like dyeing indigo.

  12. Kathleen Chrisman says:

    I like the color indigo. It goes with so many other colors…just think of a pair of jeans.

  13. Nancy says:

    Indigo fabrics are very appealing to me, especially those that have been manipulated while dyeing to create wonderful patterns and shading.

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